2. Cell culture contamination prevention, precautions, and methods

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Hello. Today, I’m going to explain the case of cell culture contamination and the precautions and ways to be careful when culturing cells.

When you start cell culture, you need to know the basic theory and proceed so that you can proceed very efficiently in time. If you proceed without knowing the contamination or precautions when culturing cells, you will see as many months of air decomposition.

Therefore, it is very important to know about pollution or precautions in advance and proceed with the work.

Cell culture contamination prevention

When contamination occurs during cell culture, the contamination should be resolved as quickly and effectively as possible. Detecting and removing contamination is important because it can seriously affect cell culture experiments or distort results.

Below are general instructions on how to resolve and take action when contamination occurs during cell culture:

1. contamination confirmation: – Contamination can be visually identified, or can be identified by changes in cell growth patterns, shapes, and colors. Check for contamination, such as discoloration of culture containers or media, strange smells, and growth of microorganisms.

2. Identifying the cause of contamination: – It is important to identify the cause of contamination to determine what type of contamination has occurred. External microorganisms, mixing of other cell lines, and environmental pollution can cause pollution.

3. Isolation of Pollutants: – Isolate contaminated containers or other contaminants if contamination is detected. All other components of the cell culture system are also checked to ensure that there is no additional contamination.

4. Cell migration and decontamination: – Move cells in contaminated media or containers to new containers or media. New containers and badges must be treated cleanly without contamination. – If contamination is caused by microorganisms rather than cells, treat contaminated media and containers appropriately, clean and sterilize workspaces to remove microbial contamination.

5. Pollution Prevention Measures: – After remediation, additional precautions must be taken to prevent contamination. Keep the workspace clean, comply with sterile conditions, and minimize contamination through proper sterilization and hand washing.

6. Track when contamination occurs: – Record, track, and analyze when contamination occurred and the incubation process in detail. This helps to identify the source of contamination and prevent contamination.

If contamination occurs during cell culture, thorough measures should be taken to eliminate contamination and prevent further contamination. Prevention and response to contamination are important factors in ensuring the reliability of cell culture experiments and the accuracy of results.

Precautions and methods for cell culture

Precautions and methods in cell culture are important to ensure proper proliferation and survival of cells and to prevent contamination and safety issues.

Below are the key points and methods to keep in mind when culturing cells:

Maintain sterile conditions:

The working environment and containers should be kept as sterile as possible. Keep the workshop clean at all times and sterilize culture containers, media, tools, etc. to prevent microbial contamination.

When working in a cell culture room, it is essential to observe aseptic techniques such as hand washing and using gloves.

Create appropriate media:

The appropriate medium should be selected to suit the characteristics and purpose of the cell. You need to create a medium, including nutrients, growth factors, vitamins, etc. that cells need.

The pH and oxygen concentration of the medium should be properly adjusted to maintain the physiological state of the cell.

Maintain proper culture temperature and humidity:

Since most cells show optimal growth at temperatures close to body temperature, the cell culture system must maintain proper temperature and humidity. It typically provides temperatures of around 37 degrees and a 5% CO2 concentration.

Oxygen supply:

Cells need oxygen, so proper oxygenation must be ensured. The culture system requires a ventilation system for air exchange and oxygenation.

Appropriate use of culture containers:

Culture containers of appropriate size and material should be selected to support proper cell proliferation and attachment. Use culture containers to match cell type and culture purpose.


The working environment, media, culture vessels, equipment, everything should be protected from external contamination. The badges and containers must be sealed with film or caps to prevent contamination before opening.

Products used to minimize contamination should be properly handled using aseptic techniques.

Periodic management and monitoring:

During long-term cell culture, it is important to periodically replace the medium and culture container and keep an eye on the condition of the cell. Old badges or containers can negatively affect cell proliferation and require periodic observation and evaluation to detect changes or degeneration of cells.

Safety awareness:

Cell culture deals with biological materials, so safety awareness is important. Wear safety equipment and follow proper safety procedures to prevent safety accidents.

Using the appropriate skills and knowledge while following these precautions in cell culture can provide reliable experimental results and improve the accuracy and reliability of cell culture experiments.

Today, we learned about contamination, precautions, and methods when culturing cells.

In the next post, we will learn about the precautions of devices and tools used in cell culture.

Recommended posting : Homepage, cell culture category

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